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buying for bookworms: a christmas gift guide!

It’s almost that time of the year again! I can’t wait to read in front of the fireplace, to have my mandatory holiday-movie marathon, to stuff my face with delicious food… You know — the usual.

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Bookworms are the easiest people to give presents to. A book or anything remotely related to reading will make them happy. So, to help you pick out a gift for a bookworm, I have come up with this post!

Getting a book lover a book is the easiest thing in the world (I believe so, at least!). Find out what their favorite genre is and then pick a book they’ve never read. I know, I know… It can be hard to know what books they’ve never read. But even if they already own that book, they can always change it at the store!

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Note: if you can afford it, get them the WHOLE bookstore and build a library like this… They’ll thank you 😉

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Does your friend dream of slaying dragons? Or of saving the world from an all-encompassing evil? Then fantasy books are probably a great gift…


the name of the wind
The Name of the Wind 
by Patrick Rothfuss is a book I always recommend to people who like fantasy novels. It’s a slow burn, which makes it all the better. The writing is perfect and throws you right into the story, the characters are very well-developed, and the world is stunning. It’s one of my all-time favorite books!


The rest of us just live hereThe Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness is another favorite of mine. I think it’s a hilarious play on the fantasy genre, especially when it meets young adult! The whole book is told from the perspective of the high school students who are just like you and me: they have no powers. And it’s a lot of fun seeing how they all look at the “gifted” kids. I highly recommend this one.

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I’m the biggest lover of contemporary in the world. I will always want to read cute fluffy stories that make me swoon. And since I feel like everyone needs some more heartwarming books in their life, here is my pick!

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Me reading that my favorite couple is going to become a thing


FangirlFangirl by Rainbow Rowell is the sweetest young-adult contemporary I have ever read. It has all the cuteness factors to warm up everyone’s heart. This book is set at a university, has an adorable and relatable main character and a ridiculously cute love interest. The love story is so adorable, but the family relationship is also brilliantly portrayed!


American pandaAnother young-adult contemporary I love is American Panda by Gloria Chao. This adorable story is set at MIT where Mei (our main character) is studying to become her parents’ biggest dream: a doctor. It’s a fascinating stories of going against the grain, finding out who you are, and trying to have fun. Plus, it has a Taiwanese main character, which makes the whole family dynamic all the more interesting!

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non-fiction: memoirs

Memoirs are great for nosey people like me. But they can also teach you so much and make you see things from a whole different perspective. These books will do just that! Not to mention that they’re hilarious a lot of the times


BossypantsBossypants by Tina Fey is one of the funniest books I ever read. The audiobook read by her is brilliant. She writes (and reads) about her first steps in the entertainment business, of how Saturday Night Live came to be, and how 30 Rock was born. If your friend likes her kind of humour or if they want to learn more about Tina Fey (or women in comedy), this is the (audio)book for them!


You cant touch my hairYou Can’t Touch My Hair: and Other Things I Still Have to Explain by Phoebe Robinson is another laugh-out-loud memoir, this time by an African-American woman. Phoebe tells the reader in a very funny way how she broke into the comedy niche and what she wants to do. But, on a deeper level, it also explores race and gender in America. Trust me, it’s an amazing read.


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non-fiction: history

This is a genre I’ve been getting into more recently, but one I love nonetheless. If your book-loving friend also likes history, consider getting them one of these books. (And no, they’re not like boring college history textbooks!)


RomanovsIf your friend has an interest in Russian history, then The Romanovs: 1613-1918 by Simon Sebag Montefiore is the book for them. The author is incredibly knowledgeable of everything related to Russia, and the Romanov dynasty is no exception! He goes into such detail to tell readers how the Romanovs lived, how they came to the throne, and how they eventually disappeared. All in an engaging way!


The Time Traveller's Guide to Medieval EnglandIf they’re more interested in the Middle Ages, The Time Traveller’s Guide to Medieval England by Ian Mortimer is perfect (read my full review!). It described medieval England in such an engaging way that you’ll feel like you’re there — literally! I learned so much with this well-researched book. From how books were made in the 14th century to how people dressed according to class — Mortimer describes it all.


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non-fiction: other books

I couldn’t quite find a category for these, but still wanted to include them!


Captura de ecrã 2018-12-11, às 01.03.23The Happiness Passport: a world tour of joyful living in 50 words by Megan C. Hayes is the perfect addition to anyone’s library and coffee table. The concept is so interesting and informative, while the illustrations are out of this world. Readers are taken on a trip around the world as they learn about how happiness is felt (and expressed) in other countries. You can read my full review here!


A literary tea partyFor all amateur bakers, Alison Walsh’s A Literary Tea Party will be the perfect gift. Walsh takes foods from movies (or imagines foods for movies) and tells you how to make them! I remember loving the recipe for the Turkish Delights (from Narnia) and the Whitewashed Jelly Doughnuts (from Tom Sawyer). It’s such an imaginative concept and fun to try out for yourself.


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graphic novels

Lovely illustrations meet great plots… That’s the recipe for success.


SagaSaga by Brian K. Vaughn became my favorite graphic novel series this summer. It has an enthralling, fast-paced plot, surreal creatures, a complex story line, witty dialogues, and stunning illustrations. It’s not for everyone, as there is a lot of violence and sex scenes, but it’s easy to see why it’s so popular. It’s the perfect blend of fantasy, science fiction, and illustrations!


BlanketsA cuter and less space-and-adventure read is Blankets by Craig Thompson. This 600-page-long graphic novel tells the story of two young people falling in love during a cold winter. It’s such an emotional ride and a raw portrayal of first loves. This is one of my favorite graphic novels because I loved the story and the illustrations so much. It’s also a great starting point for you to explore Thompson’s art!

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And those are all the recommendations I have for today! Are there any books you recommend to me? I’m always looking to add more books to my TBR!

5 thoughts on “buying for bookworms: a christmas gift guide!

  1. Oh, what a lovely post. I definitely am getting some inspiration for it for my own future reads.

    I do love slow paced books and for those, who feel the same, I recommend Circe. It’s such a beautiful book that made me so happy. From memoirs, I love Born a Crime (as audio) and Educated – both really got a lot of my attention this year. I will check out those two memoirs you mentioned, they sound like something I would enjoy. Thanks and happy reading. 📚

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