Lists and Tags

The Book Addiction Tag!

Listen, we all know I love books a little too much. Why else would I have a book blog I’ve been neglecting lately?! When I saw that Marie at Drizzle and Hurricane Books tagged me in her “Am I addicted to books?” post, I knew I had to answer these questions!

1. What is the longest amount of time you can go without picking up a book?

At this point in my life, the answer would be a day. Lately I’ve always been itching to pick up a book no matter where I am. Otherwise, I just get bored and feeling antsy!

2. How many books do you carry on your person (or kindle) at any one time?

My kindle is always with me, no matter where I go. Right now, I have almost 200 books on there, mostly because of ARCs (that have already expired but I love seeing the tiles there) and kindle discounts. I don’t usually have physical books on me, just because they make my bag too heavy. But I do have one hardcover from the library on me right now!

3. Do you keep every book you buy/receive or are you happy to pass them along?

You know, I really love borrowing and giving my books away. I rarely ever reread books, so the ones I love the most I do keep. But those I only gave 4 stars to, I’m more than happy to donate or gift someone.

4. How long would you spend in a bookshop on a standard visit?

If I’m not late for anything, I can spend anywhere between one or two hours in a bookshop — longer if it’s one of those that has couches and chairs. They’re usually very quiet and lovely places to read something!

5. How much time per day do you actually spend reading?

I feel attacked by this question… But I’ve been really good lately! In the past few months, I have spend at least one hour reading every day. My favorite time to read is any time the house is quiet, so that includes mornings and nights before bed too!

6. Where does the task of “picking up a book” appear on your daily to-do list?

I only include it in my planner if it’s a buddy read or an overdue ARC! Actually, I’m reading I Was Born for This by Alice Oseman with Vinny, so I am including my reading on my bullet journal!

7. How many books do you reckon you own in total (including e-books)?

Oh man, that’s hard! I own around 200 books on my kindle, and maaaaybe around 50 physical books, mostly paperback. Most of them are in English, too, but some are in Portuguese (as it is my native language).

8. Approximately how often do you bring up books in conversation?

Oh every single day! I don’t have many bookish friends (which sucks), but I still somehow bring up the books I’m reading or have just read when talking to my mom, my boyfriend, the mailman, whoever!

9. What is the biggest book (page count) you have finished?

I’ve read some big books, but I think that The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. My copy had around 900 pages, but I read it so quickly because it is such an amazing book!

10. Is there a book you had to get your hands on against all odds?

Actually, I have never really had a problem of finding a book I really wanted. But I do have the trouble of finding some books affordably! If only my library had a better selection of books…

11. A book you struggled to finish but refused to DNF?

I have no qualms over DNFing books. I have realized that I have TOO MANY books on my TBR to force myself into finishing up a book. So, if I’m not having a good time by the 40% mark, I put it down and never think of it again.

12. What are 3 of your main book goals for 2019?

I love this question! Marie’s answers were awesome and they’re actually pretty close to mine:

  • Read 80 books: I met my Goodreads 50-book-goal earlier this month, so now I want to up it to 80 books this year. Fingers crossed!
  • Read between 21 and 30 books by Asian authors: I’m already doing quite well with this for my YARC 2019 challenge, so I really want to get that Malaysian tapir badge.
  • Read more backlist books: I’ve been reading so many new releases because of the sheer amount of ARCs I’ve gotten this year. But I really want to read more backlist novels — which I talked about in my summer goals post!

13. Have you ever had the privilege of converting someone into a reader?

I love the fact that my boyfriend started reading more because of me! I got him into The Name of the Wind last year and so far he’s already read 2 books this year, which I don’t think he would have done without me!

14. Describe what books mean to you in 5 words

Full-time companions I love!

I tag…

If you’re reading this and want to do the tag, go ahead and let me know so I can read your answers! But I also want to see what my lovely blogging friends have to say…

11 thoughts on “The Book Addiction Tag!

  1. Ahh I’m so happy you did this tag as well, yay and YOU ARE READING I WAS BORN FOR THIS AHH PLEASE TELL ME ALL ABOUT IT. I hope you’ll enjoy it, I love this book so much ❤ And…. I bring up books way too often when I'm talking to my family hahaha, can't help it I guess 😛


  2. This is such a cute tag! I understand your dilemma about having the books available but them not being affordable 😀 A bulk of my books come from secondhand stores. if ever I do have the opportunity to buy online, I purchase from Book Depository. There’s no public library where I live, so I have to make to with buying.

    I love reading before bed! It’s become so much of a ritual now haha

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